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  • Total Patents
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FLITSCH FREDERICK A has a total of 42 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 0.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2005. It filed its patents most often in United States, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and China. Its main competitors in its focus markets semiconductors, machines and electrical machinery and energy are LAM RESERCH CORP, PLASMA-THERM LLC and PLASMA THERM LLC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing FLITSCH FREDERICK As patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing FLITSCH FREDERICK As patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Flitsch Frederick A 42
#2 Pugh Randall B 2
#3 Otts Daniel B 2
#4 Young Lloyd 1
#5 Wright Lloyd 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2020203123A1 Method and apparatus for an imaging system
US2020176289A1 Method and apparatus for multilevel fabricators
US2019109032A1 Methods and apparatus for novel cleanspace fabricators
US2018240691A1 Customized smart devices and touchscreen devices and cleanspace manufacturing methods to make them
US2019026499A1 Customized smart devices and touchscreen devices and clean space manufacturing methods to make them
US2017316966A1 Methods and apparatus for processing items with vertically oriented processing tools in a clean space
US2018025884A1 Method and apparatus for an imaging system of biological material
US2016358795A1 Methods of prototyping and manufacturing with cleanspace fabricators
US2016132045A1 Multilevel fabricators
US2016013017A1 Method and apparatus for a high resolution imaging system
US2016004243A1 Methods and apparatus to support fabricators with cognitive computing
US2015200072A1 Method and apparatus for an imaging system
US2014180469A1 Method and apparatus for an automated tool handling system for a multilevel cleanspace fabricator
US2014189989A1 Methods of prototyping and manufacturing with cleanspace fabricators
US2016375529A1 Retrofitting manufacturing lines into cleanspace fabricators
US2013226329A1 Cleanspace Fabricators for High Technology Manufacturing and Assembly Processing
US2012214396A1 Methods and apparatus for vertically orienting substrate processing tools in a clean space
US2010209226A1 Method and apparatus to support process tool modules in a cleanspace fabricator
US2008053509A1 Combined thermal diodic and thermoenergy devices and methods for manufacturing same
CN105304529A Method and apparatus for vertically orienting substrate processing tools in a clean space