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  • Total Patents
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ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGIES LTD has a total of 30 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2003. It filed its patents most often in New Zealand, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets foods and drinks and measurement are ROBOTIC TECH LIMITED, SLAGTERIERNES FORSKNINGSINST and BUCKHAVEN SIMON.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGIES LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Focus technologies

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Seaton Mark Hamish 11
#2 Clark Scott 11
#3 Dickie Alan 11
#4 Fern Steven 8
#5 Aimers Richard 4
#6 Aimers Richard James 3
#7 Page Damon 3
#8 Bates David 3
#9 Glendenning Roger William 3
#10 Fern Steven John 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
NZ609437A A carcass processing machine
CN102421297A Carcass cutting methods and apparatus
NZ595318A Automated carcass portion butchering techniques and apparatus
NZ598161A Carcass cutting methods and apparatus
NZ575751A A device for removing leg knuckle tips with the relationship between a guide and the leg setting cut position
NZ572040A A method and device for de-gambrelling including a lifter and a leg spreader
WO2008075986A1 Puller for use in animal carcass boning or cutting
NZ552333A Animal carcass cutter with rotating circular blades
NZ552206A Puller for use in animal carcass boning or cutting constrained for substantially downwards movement
NZ548648A X-ray imaging of animal carcass to determine cutting path
NZ540749A Animal carcass cutter with serrated and non-serrated cutting portions
NZ536588A Animal carcass leg removal method and apparatus