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  • Total Patents

SUFANG HU has a total of 39 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2008. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology are QINGDAO LANDGREEN ECO TECHNOLOGY CO LTD, YANCHENG EIFFEL STEEL STRUCTURE CO LTD and UNIV AUTONOMA DE CHIAPAS.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing SUFANG HUs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 39

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SUFANG HUs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Sufang Hu 39

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN102715010A Roof greening method for flat-topped building
CN102727592A Preparation method of fructus kochiae oral liquid
CN102715220A Making method of health care shortcakes
CN102742798A Radish ball making method
CN102726845A Windproof warm-keeping suit
CN102729693A Movable pencil soft sleeve
CN102726507A Water caltrop kernel processing method
CN102726601A Preparation method of pig feedstuff
CN102727015A Simple and convenient picture frame
CN102733347A Ice shovel
CN102726236A Combined flowerpot
CN102727044A Long stem wine cup
CN102765694A Bamboo shaving pillow inner
CN102768832A Index finger cover
CN102764507A Adjustable-posture plush toy
CN102765291A Reflector
CN102764509A Clapper
CN102765539A Toothpaste box
CN101558749A Ornamental fish ribbon
CN101558752A Fish tank mirror