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  • Total Patents

ORG EUROPEENE DE RECH has a total of 126 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1970. It filed its patents most often in United States, Belgium and France. Its main competitors in its focus markets measurement, transport and electrical machinery and energy are KESSLER STEPHEN BURNS, MITTWEIDA ING HOCHSCHULE and VIASYSTEMS GROUP INC.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ORG EUROPEENE DE RECHs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Benvenuti Cristoforo 13
#2 De Oliveira Rui 7
#3 Jacquemod Andre 6
#4 Duret Max 6
#5 Brunet Jean-Claude 5
#6 Bovet Claude 4
#7 Ballabriga Rafael 4
#8 Tlustos Lukas 4
#9 Guerin Jean 4
#10 Campbell Michael 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2011015235A1 Pixilated radiation sensing device
FR2902931A1 Electromagnetic wave guide comprising a tool
WO2007038974A1 Method for determining a particle and sensor device therefor
FR2881216A1 Cryogenic cooling system for superconducting device
EP1714299A1 Radiation detector
FR2834180A1 Method for manufacturing a multi-layer module with high density printed circuits
FR2807686A1 Pneumatic support device for a removable working member
FR2802638A1 Enclosure testing device
FR2795433A1 Bath composition for electrolytic polishing of titanium, and method of using same
FR2760089A1 Arrangement and method for improving the vacuum in a high purpose vacuum system
FR2750248A1 Non-evaporable getter pumping device and method for implementing the getter
EP0443922A1 Rotation compensation device for a cable or the like which can be wound onto, and unwound from, a rotary drum
EP0344027A1 Device for generating, starting from a single short duration light pulse, a train of synchronous light pulses and apparatus for measuring the temporal shape of a single light pulse using such a device
GB2086169A Method of processing data generated by a synthetic aperture radar system
EP0018343A1 Current chopper for regulating the supply of a load
US4325124A System for controlling the direction of the momentum vector of a geosynchronous satellite
WO8001631A1 Process and device for detecting and interpreting a distress signal
US4260015A Surface condenser
US4236247A Apparatus for correcting multiple errors in data words read from a memory