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  • Total Patents

MILLER WILLIAM T has a total of 33 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1899. It filed its patents most often in United States and Canada. Its main competitors in its focus markets organic fine chemistry, macromolecular chemistry and polymers and machines are ISTITUTO PER LO STUDIO DELLA G, CPS CHEM CO INC and CHEMOPETROL ZD Y PRO ZPRACOVAN.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing MILLER WILLIAM Ts patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 29
#2 Canada 4

Patent filings per year

Chart showing MILLER WILLIAM Ts patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Miller William T 32
#2 Dittman Albert L 1
#3 Miller Samuel G 1
#4 Smith Donald S 1
#5 Dyer Philip S 1
#6 Reed Sherman K 1
#7 Maynard John T 1
#8 Cormier Joel M 1
#9 Kirshenbaum Abraham D 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2012121924A1 Speaker cover
US4430794A Disposable razor device for cutting and trimming nostril hair
US2951096A Liquid polymers of polyunsaturated fluoroolefins
US2894042A Preparation of hexafluorobutadiene
US2885448A Halocarbon polymers
US2712554A Oxidation of halogenated olefinic compounds
US2712555A Oxidation of halogenated saturated hydrocarbons
US2792377A Polytrifluorochloroethylene plastic
US2848505A Process for zinc chloride activating a dehalogenation reaction
US2751414A Perhalocarbon compounds and method of preparing them
US2729613A Solid polymers of perhalogenated polyolefins
US2716141A Preparation of halo aliphatic compounds
US2691036A Allylic replacement of unsaturated perhalocarbon compounds
US2671799A Perhalocarbon compounds and method of preparing them
US2668182A Polyunsaturated fluoroolefins
US2626254A Method of polymerizing trifluorochloroethylene
US2662072A Process for copolymerizing ce=cf2 with of=cfci
US2564024A Method of making halocarbon polymers
US2580358A Method for storing perhaloacetyl peroxide and stabilized perhaloacetyl peroxide
US2567956A High-pressure polymerization of perhaloolefins