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  • Total Patents

ESCAMBIA CHEM CORP has a total of 127 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1952. It filed its patents most often in United States, Canada and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets organic fine chemistry, macromolecular chemistry and polymers and consumer goods are CHEMOPETROL ZD Y PRO ZPRACOVAN, ISTITUTO PER LO STUDIO DELLA G and HUAIHUA JINXIN NEW MAT CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing ESCAMBIA CHEM CORPs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 57
#2 Canada 18
#3 United Kingdom 18
#4 France 17
#5 Germany 15
#6 Belgium 2

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ESCAMBIA CHEM CORPs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Robertson Nat C 20
#2 Gardner James H 17
#3 Steadman Thomas R 14
#4 Schoenbrunn Erwin F 13
#5 Sutherland Leslie H 8
#6 Gabbett Jr James F 7
#7 Holdsworth Robert S 6
#8 Frank Maslan 6
#9 Tewksbury Charles I 6
#10 Di Nardo Albert 6

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
BE745848A Prevention of formation of coloured impur- - ities in methacrylic acid
FR2032814A5 Prevention of formation of coloured impur- - ities in methacrylic acid
GB1262503A Method of removing and preventing the formation of color contaminants in methacrylic acid
US3575830A Beta-chlorination of alpha hydroxyisobutyric acid
US3609144A 1,4,6-oxadiazocines
US3578703A Process for producing methyl formate from alkali or alkaline earth formate
US3491160A Process for producing nitroform
US3414485A Process for drying methacrylic acid by extraction and azeotropic distillation
US3562320A Process for producing methacrylic acid
US3507916A Method of removing and preventing the formation of color contaminants in methacrylic acid
US3408393A Process for the manufacture of alphahydroxy isobutyric acid
GB1135106A Process for preparing expanded polyvinyl chloride compositions
US3345322A Plastic surface covering material containing metallized plastic particles
US3284494A Process for producing alpha hydroxyisobutyric acid
GB1029073A Plastic fabrication process
GB927960A Polymerization process
GB966563A Process for polymerisation of vinyl chloride
US3082228A Method for producing monoesters of polyunsaturated fatty acids
GB954035A Preparation of alpha-hydroxyisobutyric acid
US3158541A Product for reduction of blood cholesterol concentration