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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 50.0%

AVA VISION CO LTD has a total of 14 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2012. It filed its patents most often in Republic of Korea. Its main competitors in its focus markets audio-visual technology, computer technology and it methods for management are ATEN INTERNATIONAL CO LTD, TRONXYZ TECHNOLOGY CO LTD and THINKLOGICAL LLC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing AVA VISION CO LTDs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Republic of Korea 14

Patent filings per year

Chart showing AVA VISION CO LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Park Jae Jun 14
#2 Kim Seon Ho 10
#3 Kim Hee Jung 4
#4 Seen Seung Min 2
#5 Lim Guk Chan 2
#6 Kim Guk Joong 1
#7 Yeom Jeon Guk 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
KR102205862B1 Method for sharing color characteristics between multiple displays in a multiwall
KR102205860B1 Calibration method for providing interactive realistic media
KR102202840B1 Method and system for providing composite photograph using chroma-key and QR-code)
KR102113339B1 Method and apparatus for providing a digital signage service for multiple users in a large size where processes for multiple input
KR102113340B1 Method for manufacturing mesh type touch screen for visual improvement and mesh type touch screen using the same
KR102089762B1 Method and apparatus for providing a digital signage service for multiple users in a large size where processes for multiple input
KR101975326B1 Method for optical touch calibration and system using the same
KR101986660B1 Device for curved display with touch sensor
KR101833292B1 Seamless Display equipped with flexible bar for diffusing
KR101833290B1 Seamless Display equipped with flexible bar of porous high-molecular substance
KR101485328B1 Multi-synchro control system for player
KR20150058699A System for providing personalized advertisement service using digital sinage
KR20140110264A Multiple-Floor display apparatus and its control system
KR20140058860A Touch table top display apparatus for multi-user