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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 50.0%

ZEBRA PEN CORP has a total of 467 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1993. It filed its patents most often in Japan and China. Its main competitors in its focus markets consumer goods, basic materials chemistry and machines are CONTE, KK PILOT CORPORATION ALSO TRADING AS PILOT CORPORATION and PILOT CORPORATION KK.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing ZEBRA PEN CORPs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Japan 466
#2 China 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ZEBRA PEN CORPs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Toyama Shohei 82
#2 Tsukioka Yukihiro 61
#3 Aizawa Yoshitoshi 44
#4 Akiyama Morio 28
#5 Sakurai Naoki 20
#6 Kudo Naoto 18
#7 Sakai Hiroshi 18
#8 Yui Tatsu 17
#9 Yamawaki Takumi 17
#10 Shibuya Hisatoshi 16

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JP2020199648A Writing instrument
JP2020179623A Retractable writing instrument and marker refill
JP2020179633A Writing instrument
JP2020142417A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable writing instrument
JP2020131468A Mechanical pencil unit, retractable writing instrument, and method of manufacturing mechanical pencil unit
JP2020131437A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable type writing instrument
JP2020116913A Mechanical pencil unit, retractable writing instrument, and method for manufacturing mechanical pencil unit
JP2020116837A Mechanical pencil unit, retractable writing instrument, and method of manufacturing mechanical pencil unit
JP2020116739A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable writing instrument
JP2020111036A Retractable core cotton type marking pen, and core and ink composition used therefore
JP2020110970A Writing utensil having short-range radio communication function
JP2020110969A Writing utensil having short-range radio communication function
JP2020110928A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable writing instrument
JP2020104469A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable writing instrument
JP2020093401A Mechanical pencil unit, retracting type writing implement, and method for producing mechanical pencil unit
JP2020090055A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable writing instrument, and method for manufacturing mechanical pencil unit
JP2020090039A Retractable writing instrument
JP2020090049A Mechanical pencil unit and retractable writing instrument
JP2019206118A Water based ball point pen refill
JP2019107778A Crip structure for writing instrument