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  • Filing trend

YEN FENG WEN has a total of 52 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 0.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2013. It filed its patents most often in United States and China. Its main competitors in its focus markets organic fine chemistry, semiconductors and basic materials chemistry are LUMINESCENCE TECH CORP, E RAY OPTOELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO LTD and DUK SAN NEOLUXCO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing YEN FENG WENs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 51
#2 China 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing YEN FENG WENs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Yen Feng-Wen 49
#2 Chuang Li-Chieh 12
#3 Huang Tsun-Yuan 8
#4 Hsiao Wen-Feng 6
#5 Chang Cheng-Hao 5
#6 Teng Chin-Min 4
#7 Yeh Shu-Hua 4
#8 Yen Feng Wen 3
#9 Chao Ching-Yan 2
#10 Hsu Li-Hsin 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2021101883A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020203632A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2021104679A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2021061787A1 Compound for organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2021040075A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2021040112A1 Heteroacene and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020185636A1 In-line system for mass production of organic optoelectronic device and manufacturing method using the same system
US2020235318A1 Iridium complex and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020235315A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020235311A1 Compound for organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020235306A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020235310A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020235320A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020227649A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020227658A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020190065A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020157129A1 Iridium complex and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020115369A1 Indenotriphenylene-based amine derivative and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020109138A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same
US2020111971A1 Organic compound and organic electroluminescence device using the same