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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 250.0%

XAAR 3D LTD has a total of 35 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 250.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2017. It filed its patents most often in United Kingdom, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets machines, materials and metallurgy and environmental technology are SINTRATEC AG, EXONE GMBH and Kumovis GmbH.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing XAAR 3D LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Hartmann Anders 13
#2 Tjellesen Frederik 13
#3 Anders Hartmann 7
#4 Frederik Tjellesen 7
#5 Ellis Adam 6
#6 Caley Michael 5
#7 Noble Christopher 5
#8 Lange Torben 5
#9 Morse Andrew 5
#10 Rasmussen Alexander 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB202102732D0 Methods of manufacture of three-dimensional objects and controller and apparatus therefor
GB202006088D0 Improved apparatus and methods for the layer-by-layer formation of three dimensional objects
GB202004906D0 Extraction system for apparatus for the layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects
GB202000950D0 Connection arrangement for moveable components within an apparatus for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201919422D0 Gas flow delivery structure for apparatus for the layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects
GB201918434D0 Infrared lamp assembly for apparatus for the layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects
GB201918435D0 Infrared radiation deflector for apparatus for the layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects
GB201917823D0 Improved thermal control for apparatus for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201914510D0 Interface device for a container for fluid material and for an apparatus for formation of three-dimensional objects from fluid material
GB201908186D0 Radiation source assembly and apparatus for layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects
GB201820759D0 Heater arrangements and apparatus for layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional objects
GB201820016D0 Methods and apparatus for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201820019D0 Sled configurations and methods of operation for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201819681D0 Powder dosing system
GB201719094D0 Apparatus for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201719096D0 Apparatus for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201719089D0 Methods and apparatus for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects
GB201717744D0 Apparatus and method for the manufacture of three-dimensional objects