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  • Total Patents
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WINIA ELECTRONICS CO LTD has a total of 27 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2019. It filed its patents most often in Republic of Korea. Its main competitors in its focus markets consumer goods, thermal processes and furniture and games are BSH CHINA HOME APPLIANCES CO LTD, Qingdao haier refrigerator co ltd and NANJING ABNEN SEALING TECHNOLOGY CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing WINIA ELECTRONICS CO LTDs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Republic of Korea 27

Patent filings per year

Chart showing WINIA ELECTRONICS CO LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus technologies

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Kim Chang Min 20
#2 Chang Sung Ik 16
#3 Joo Kwang Jin 6
#4 Jeong Hyeang Doo 4
#5 Kim Dong Sun 4
#6 Kim Sang Dae 2
#7 Song Il Keun 1
#8 Yun Hyeongsu 1
#9 Yang Sung Jin 1
#10 Kim Yong Myung 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
KR20210028013A Refrigerator
KR20210028021A Refrigerator
KR20210028025A Refrigerator
KR20210028006A Refrigerator
KR20210028020A Refrigerator
KR20210028015A Refrigerator
KR20210028018A Refrigerator
KR20210028026A Refrigerator
KR20210028016A Refrigerator
KR20210028011A Refrigerator
KR20210028009A Refrigerator
KR20210028027A Refrigerator
KR20210028012A Refrigerator
KR20210028017A Refrigerator
KR20210028019A Refrigerator
KR20210028022A Refrigerator
KR20210028007A Refrigerator
KR20210028014A Refrigerator
KR20210028010A Refrigerator
KR20210028008A Refrigerator