Method and system for creating wide-screen picture-dominance effect in a conventional motion-picture theater
Method and system for creating wide-screen picture-dominance effect in a conventional motion-picture theater
Method for correcting corrupted frames during conversion of motion pictures photographed at a low frame rate, for exhibition at a higher frame rate
Method for selectively imparting a cinematic appearance to motion pictures photographed and exhibited at high frame rates
Method for enhancing motion pictures for exhibition at a higher frame rate than that in which they were originally produced
Method of enhancing motion pictures for exhibition at a higher frame rate than that in which they were originally produced
Method for processing motion pictures at high frame rates with improved temporal and spatial resolution, resulting in improved audience perception of dimensionality in 2-D and 3-D presentation
Compact acquisition format for dimensionalized digital cinema projection at forty-eight images per second
Method for exhibiting motion picture films at a higher frame rate than that in which they were originally produced
Method for exhibiting motion picture films at a higher frame rate than that in which they were originally produced
Method for producing and exhibiting three-dimensional motion pictures from a single strip of motion picture film
Method for imparting both high-impact cinematic images and conventional cinematic images on the same strip of motion picture film
Method for transitioning between two different frame rates during a showing of a single motion picture film
Apparatus for raising and lowering the lower screen mask in a motion picture theater