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  • Total Patents

WALDORF PAPER PROD CO has a total of 437 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1918. It filed its patents most often in United States and Canada. Its main competitors in its focus markets packaging and shipping, machines and furniture and games are SPRINTER PACK AB, CONTAINER CORP and AMERICAN BOX BOARD CO.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing WALDORF PAPER PROD COs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 369
#2 Canada 68

Patent filings per year

Chart showing WALDORF PAPER PROD COs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Reynolds Guyer 125
#2 Hennessey Russell J 45
#3 Boeye Paul F 36
#4 Dunning Robert M 28
#5 Sandberg Nels H 18
#6 Guyer Reynolds 17
#7 Johnson Ronald V 16
#8 Tolaas William M 15
#9 Locke Frank W 11
#10 Meyers Harold S 10

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US3396578A Glue bond tester
US3411689A Reinforced corrugated paperboard and product
US3406814A Display cartons
US3322263A Cartons for fragile articles
US3355143A Plastic valves
US3283949A Bottle carriers
US3301389A Method and apparatus for displaying articles
US3270878A Display packages
US3314535A Display package and method of forming the same
US3307770A Butter cartons and the like
US3302857A Easy opening container
US3302853A Container closures
US3283990A Can carriers
US3301463A Folders
US3295741A Shipping folders
US3276666A Tray-forming containers
US3276665A Tear strip containers
US3276667A Divisible container
US3330467A Container closure
US3302852A Recessed end containers