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VYSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNĚ has a total of 139 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2006. It filed its patents most often in Czechia and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology, measurement and optics are OZCAN AYDOGAN, Vysoké ucení technické v Brne and UWATER OY.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing VYSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNĚs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing VYSOKÉ UČENÍ TECHNICKÉ V BRNĚs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Opravil Tomáš 18
#2 Ptáček Petr 17
#3 Šoukal František 17
#4 Fiala Pavel 7
#5 Jančář Josef 6
#6 Mazůrek Ivan 6
#7 Skryja Pavel 6
#8 Novotn Radoslav 6
#9 Hubálek Jaromír 5
#10 Raudenský Miroslav 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CZ307033B6 An exchanger module based on hollow polymeric fibres
CZ2016534A3 A method of stabilizing residual ammonia in a mixture containing energy by-products using tannin
CZ307019B6 A method of stabilizing residual ammonia in a mixture containing energy by-products using sodium hexanetricobaltate
CZ306855B6 A sensory network with the binary tree topology
CZ306978B6 A hydraulic machine on the principle of the Archimedes screw
CZ2016453A3 A method of detecting unauthorized access attempts to protected areas
CZ2016452A3 A radiofrequency identifier tunable by dielectric inserts
CZ2016383A3 A method of automatic flushing of a pressure sewage system and system for implementing this method
CZ2016290A3 A dispenser for selective application of viscous materials
CZ2016242A3 An oil burner for incineration of hardly combustible substances
CZ306711B6 A bolster for prestressing of supporting elements
WO2017080535A1 Method and device for surface machining of rotary components
CZ306464B6 Distribution of conductors in the stator/rotor winding of three-phase AC rotating machines
CZ201624A3 A low-profile Cassegrain reflector antenna
CZ306418B6 A subliminal bulk-driven circular amplifier for applications with low supply voltage
CZ2015929A3 A cumulative thin-film warning dosimeter with the possibility of adjusting its sensitivity to radiation dose size and the method of its manufacture
CZ306919B6 A method of checking a person's colour of clothing and/or headgear
CZ2015905A3 Hybrid pumping system
CZ306585B6 A system for IR spectroscopy
CZ306908B6 A calibration target for multispectral optical measurement