Tennis or ball racket has head formed by frame and strings, grip joined to frame comprising heart part and handle and damping measures on a least one part of frame
Ball game rackets, in particular tennis rackets
Ball game racket
Racket for a ball game, especially a tennis racket, comprises connecting regions that in the direction of a longitudinal axis arranged on the same axis as the axis of the racket handle or shaft are a distance
Ball game racket especially tennis racket has grip sleeve surrounding racket shaft with space and is connected from end, which is extend from one free end of racket shaft, to racket frame
Racquet, especially for tennis, has segments at the head for holding the string ends with movement so that the ball is not distorted when struck and energy is not lost
Ball game rackets, in particular tennis rackets
Tennis racquet or racquet for other ball games has oval frame with hollow cross-section with groove on outside for string and longitudinal slits at intervals