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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 42.0%

VANRX PHARMASYSTEMS INC has a total of 93 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 42.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2012. It filed its patents most often in United States, EPO (European Patent Office) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets packaging and shipping, medical technology and measurement are DIJKSTRA VEREENIGDE BEDRIJVEN, Wenzhou kedi machinery co ltd and LANGSTON COMPANIES INC.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing VANRX PHARMASYSTEMS INCs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Gold Ross M 29
#2 Cichy Marcin 27
#3 Immerzeel Jeroen 25
#4 Procyshyn Christopher A 24
#5 Park Steve Sang Joon 23
#6 Procyshyn Christopher 23
#7 Naing Juvenal 21
#8 Senger John 19
#9 Guerrero Carlos Alberto Diaz 16
#10 Broadbent Nick 12

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2021078846A1 Cover removal system for use in controlled environment enclosures
US2021047064A1 Apparatus and method for monitoring and controlling the removal of a cover from a sealed tube in an aseptic environment
US2020377241A1 Peristaltic pump-based apparatus and method for the controlled dispensing of fluids
KR20200066667A Apparatus and method for monitoring and controlling the filling of a container with fluid medicine in a sterile environment
US2019337658A1 Method, device and system for filling pharmaceutical containers
US2019056419A1 Method for protecting and unprotecting the fluid path in a controlled environment enclosure
US2019016484A1 Purgeable pharmaceutical fill needle
US2018282008A1 Apparatus and method for monitoring and controlling the filling of a container with a pharmaceutical fluid in an aseptic environment
TW201811292A Apparatus and method for monitoring and controlling the aseptic filling and sealing of pharmaceutical containers with a pharmaceutical fluid using rotary stage
US2018189275A1 Robotic filling systems and methods
US2019016492A1 Apparatus and method for monitoring and controlling the removal of a cover from a sealed tub in an aseptic environment
EP3442872A1 Method and apparatus for loading a lyophilization system
US2018037343A1 Apparatus and method for asepticaly filling pharmaceutical containers with a pharmaceutical fluid using rotary stage
KR20180094017A Apparatus and method for protecting and unprotecting a fluid path in a controlled environmental enclosure
CA3002769A1 Aseptic robotic filling system and method
US2018072446A1 Apparatus and method for asepticaly filling pharmaceutical containers with a pharmaceutical fluid using rotary stage
US2017121046A1 Aseptic robotic filling system and method
EP3505458A1 Closure nest and closure assembly for pharmaceutical containers
EP3301031A1 Cover removal system for use in controlled environment enclosures
WO2013156851A2 Articulated arm apparatus and system