Method for the production of energy by means of nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion
Generating and amplifying coherent X-rays extracting rays from photo-cathode receiving coherent monochromatic electromagnetic radiation amplified by mirrors or deflecting crystals
Energy prodn. by nuclear fusion - by fusing positive particles in rotating plasma using Lorentz force from magnetic flux to overcome Coulombic repulsion of particles
Electrochemical energy conversion system - has electrodes immersed in different electrolytes separated by wall pervious to ions
Removing ions from liq. via pores in two chamber walls - to other liquid by electric or magnetic field and electrostatic field in pores
Porous separator for electrochemical cells - having openings with an electrical field to allow passage of chosen ions whilst preventing passage of counter ions
Spin rotation oscillation generating process - using e.g. electrons to obtain electromagnetic radiation by moving between differing field strengths in non-homogeneous field
Electron oscillator with grid electrodes as capacitor plates - with induction coil to induce electric and magnetic fields to produce spin-rotation oscillations of electrons in ionisable medium
Energy produced by accelerating electron or proton beams - and causing them to collide by electrostatic or magnetic means to convert mass
Nuclear energy generation by fusion constituents - in non-fusionable envelope using inertial containment by implosion of envelope