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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 50.0%

USTAV POLYMEROV SAV has a total of 74 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1988. It filed its patents most often in Slovakia, Czechoslovakia and Czechia. Its main competitors in its focus markets macromolecular chemistry and polymers, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals are CHENG YUPING, LYU JUN and WOORICHEMTECH CO LTD.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing USTAV POLYMEROV SAVs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Chodak Ivan 10
#2 Berek Dusan 9
#3 Bugaj Peter 8
#4 Plavec Roderik 7
#5 Tomanova Katarina 7
#6 Alexy Pavol 7
#7 Novak Ivan 7
#8 Pavlackova Miroslava 6
#9 Benovic Frantisek 6
#10 Romanov Andrej Ing Drsc 6

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
SK500342019A3 Method of preparing additive to increase polarity of hot melt adhesives
SK1172017A3 Closet for study of photopolymerization by positron annihilation method
SK500172017A3 Process for producing nanocomposite material with antibacterial properties, such material and its use
SK500112016A3 Process for preparing an aqueous dispersion of silver microparticles
SK500652015A3 A method for altering the functional state of mRNA allowing its selective and specific recognition
SK500772014A3 A process for preparing a composite sorbent for removing contaminants from water
SK50152014A3 Method for preparation of silver nanoparticles in water polyacrylamide dispersion
SK500602014A3 Process for preparation of polymer subnanometer dispersion based on acrylamide
SK500172014A3 Method for preparation of composite sorbent intended for removing contaminants from waters
SK500242013A3 Method of crosslinking polymer films
SK50032013A3 Method of manufacturing nanoporous carbon fiber from cellulosic precursors
SK262011A3 Biologically degradable polymeric composition having improved properties
SK50342010A3 Method of preparation of polyacrylamide dispersions
SK50012010A3 Method of preparing crosslinked polymer nanoparticles based on butyl acrylate
SK50732009A3 Process for preparing polymeric minidispersion on the base of styrene
SK752007A3 Process for separation of multicomponent synthetic polymers
SK172007A3 Preparation for life extension of old paper
SK50822005A3 Method for processing thermoplastic polymeric material containing unstable thermal component
SK17262002A3 Method of preparation of ultra-pure macro-porous silica gel
SK4482002A3 Methods for the preparation of 1-phenyl-2-(4-vinylphenyl)-1,2- ethane dione monomer, the polymers thereof and diacyl peroxide groups created therein