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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 94.0%

UNMANNED INNOVATION INC has a total of 54 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 94.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2012. It filed its patents most often in United States, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and Australia. Its main competitors in its focus markets control, transport and computer technology are IAIN MATTHEW RUSSELL, RUSSELL IAIN MATTHEW and ARS ELECTRONICA LINZ GMBH & CO KG.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing UNMANNED INNOVATION INCs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Michini Bernard J 40
#2 Downey Jonathan 16
#3 Bethke Brett Michael 14
#4 Gurel Volkan 11
#5 Bauer Mark Patrick 10
#6 Richman Brian 9
#7 Li Hui 9
#8 Blanc-Paques Fabien 8
#9 Steakley Edward Dale 8
#10 Poole Alan Jay 8

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2018204469A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle visual point cloud navigation
US2018190132A1 Pre-emptive generation of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle inspections according to monitored sensor events
US2018096609A1 Fleet management of unmanned aerial vehicles and flight authorization system
US2018003656A1 Solar panel inspection using unmanned aerial vehicles
US2018003161A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle wind turbine inspection systems and methods
US2018002010A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle inspection system
US2017357273A1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Beyond Visual Line of Sight Control
US2017334559A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle area surveying
US2017336806A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle electromagnetic avoidance and utilization system
WO2017147142A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle visual line of sight control
WO2017139282A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle privacy controls
WO2017116860A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle rooftop inspection system
US2017192418A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle inspection system
US9658619B1 Unmanned aerial vehicle modular command priority determination and filtering system
US9592912B1 Ground control point assignment and determination system
US2017193829A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle rooftop inspection system
US9513635B1 Unmanned aerial vehicle inspection system
US2016307447A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle remote flight planning system
US2018109767A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle sensor activation and correlation system
US2015325064A1 Unmanned aerial vehicle authorization and geofence envelope determination