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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 24.0%

UNIV UNITED ARAB EMIRATES has a total of 262 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 24.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2008. It filed its patents most often in United States, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and EPO (European Patent Office). Its main competitors in its focus markets pharmaceuticals, measurement and environmental technology are UNIV SOUTH CAROLINA, UNIV SINGAPORE and UNIV TORONTO.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing UNIV UNITED ARAB EMIRATESs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Al Ahmad Mahmoud F Y 17
#2 El-Agnaf Omar 16
#3 Al Ahmad Mahmoud 15
#4 Haik Yousef 15
#5 Amin Amr 13
#6 Al Omari Salah Addin Burhan 11
#7 El-Naas Muftah 10
#8 Elnajjar Emad 9
#9 Ramzan Rashad 9
#10 Adem Abdu 8

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US10974444B1 Product and method to manufacture multi-layered, multi-material composite sandwich structure with hyper elasticity rubber like core made by fusion deposition modeling
US10968073B1 Touchless elevator keyboard system
US10916380B1 Quantum dot-sensitized solar cell and method of making the same
US10989658B1 System and parametric method for cancer discriminations
US10854395B1 Asymmetric supercapacitor with hierarchical electrodes
WO2020250189A1 Extracts of rhazya stricta in the treatment of cancer and metastasis
US10984959B1 Quantum dot-sensitized solar cell and method of making the same
AU2019264662A1 Suppression and inhibition of cdc25b with safranal-based formulations
US10790590B1 Frequency agile antenna
US2020141990A1 Electrical Extraction of Piezoelectric Constants
US2020132398A1 Heat sinks with vibration enhanced heat transfer
US10682250B1 Robotic gripping assist
US2020233078A1 Bullet detection system
US10702525B1 Pyrimidine derivatives as anti-diabetic agents
US10805030B1 Wireless multiplexing using tunable antenna
US2021015835A1 Crocin-sorafenib combination therapy for liver cancer
US10689374B1 Pyrimidine-thiazolidinone derivatives
US2019275707A1 Method of recycling carbon fiber prepreg waste and transparent thermoplastic waste
US10655009B1 Biodegradable composite insulation material
US2019267506A1 Porous silicon nanowire photovoltaic cell