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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 50.0%

UNIV OF DAMMAM has a total of 26 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2014. It filed its patents most often in United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets civil engineering, measurement and pharmaceuticals are KOREA NEW TECH CO LTD, ELEKTRO OSMOSE AG and NATURE S SUNSHINE PRODUCTS INC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing UNIV OF DAMMAMs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 26

Patent filings per year

Chart showing UNIV OF DAMMAMs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Saleem Muhammad 7
#2 Hossameldin Hany 2
#3 Al-Furaih Lulwah Yousef Abdullateef 2
#4 Mansi Ahmed Abdelkarim 2
#5 Aldossary Hanan Saad E 1
#6 Alharmi Rawan A Rahman 1
#7 Alkadi Abdullah 1
#8 Alnaim Nusaybah Nasser 1
#9 Alshwaimi Emad 1
#10 Alhareth Waad Saleh 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2018189911A1 System and method for determining an amount of correlation between non-orthogonal vectors characterizing curricula participation
US2018144423A1 Systems and methodologies for communicating educational information
US2018144613A1 Systems and methodologies for alerting emergency responders
US2018134582A1 Water filtration apparatus and a method of using thereof
US2018125622A1 Dental tools with removable instrument heads and fluid delivery lines
US2018100670A1 Airborne noise reduction system and method
US2017319455A1 Method for occluding dentin tubules and remineralizing teeth
US2018065866A1 Submersible desalination apparatus
US2018056103A1 Systems and methods for sound waves fire extinguishers
US2018059062A1 Ultrasonic pulse velocity tester
US2017252141A1 Medical device for constricting a body passage and a method thereof
US2017367934A1 Antimicrobial denture
US2017368295A1 Nebulizer tubing and a nebulizer system
US2017254067A1 Reinforced brick masonry column with polyester thread reinforcement strips
US2017131259A1 Concrete reinforcement assembly, method of installation, and method to determine cyclic load response
US2017216374A1 Microencapsulated probiotic bacteria
US2017134564A1 Method and device for implementing a quiet zone
US2017112701A1 Inflatable medical apparatus
US2017102304A1 Non-destructive apparatus, system and method for determining pull-out capacity of anchor bolts
US2016180706A1 System, method, and apparatus for providing road separation and traffic safety