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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 44.0%

UNIV CORDOBA has a total of 143 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 44.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1992. It filed its patents most often in Spain, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and EPO (European Patent Office). Its main competitors in its focus markets biotechnology, measurement and environmental technology are UNIV D OTTAWA UNIVERSITY OF OT, OIL CROPS RES INSTITUTE CHINESE ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and CENTRO NAC DE INVESTIGACIONES CARDIOVASCULARES CARLOS III F S P.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing UNIV CORDOBAs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Castaño Fuentes Justo P 10
#2 Gahete Ortiz Manuel D 9
#3 Castro Garcia Sergio 9
#4 Luque De Castro Maria Dolores 8
#5 Jimenez Diaz Rafael Manuel 7
#6 Garcia Mauricio Juan Carlos 7
#7 Luque Huertas Raúl M 7
#8 Carrasco Valiente Julia 7
#9 Sola Guirado Rafael Rubén 7
#10 Gómez Gómez Enrique 7

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2020165484A1 Method for obtaining data useful for the diagnosis, stratification and/or follow-up of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
WO2020165483A1 Method for predicting the response to treating cancer with antiangiogenic agents
WO2020161378A2 Method for diagnosing or prognosing the development of prostate cancer in an individual
WO2020099708A2 Method for predicting or prognosing the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in an individual
EP3811080A1 In vitro method for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
ES2717979A1 Procedure for the preparation of magnetic iron nanoparticles from iron from expended coffee waste.
WO2019170951A1 Flexible device for freezing semen doses
EP3627155A1 Peptides derived from truncated somatostatin receptor sst5tmd4 as biomarkers and therapeutic targets in tumours
WO2018109248A1 Use of in1-ghrelin for the diagnosis of prostate cancer
EP3486960A1 Optoelectronic device comprising guanidinium in the organic-inorganic perovskite
ES2694600A1 Procedure for the extraction of carotenoids using nanostructured liquid phases
ES2688090A1 Procedure for obtaining biosilice from cascara de arroz
ES2678470A1 Educational hucha
ES2673521A1 Method to improve tolerance to abiotic stress in an organism
ES2645684A1 Method for the early diagnosis of equine infertility
ES2641967A1 HTF degrading bacteria
ES2564429A1 Trunk vibrator clamp pad to reduce damage from barking trees
ES2620262A1 Ghrelin-O-acyl transferase (GOAT) and its uses
ES2613862A1 Integral fruit collection system and procedure
ES2560353A1 System and method of lateral harvest of fruit trees by means of modular mechanical vareo