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  • Total Patents

TSNII PROTEZIROVANIYA PROTEZOS has a total of 207 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1975. It filed its patents most often in USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics) and Russian Federation. Its main competitors in its focus markets medical technology are ASCYRUS MEDICAL LLC, QUEST VISION TECHNOLOGY INC and UKRAINIAN RES INST PROSTHET.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing TSNII PROTEZIROVANIYA PROTEZOSs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing TSNII PROTEZIROVANIYA PROTEZOSs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

# Industry
#1 Medical technology

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Kuzhekin Anatolij P 50
#2 Farber Boris S 36
#3 Golovin Vladimir S 27
#4 Yakobson Yakov S 25
#5 Novikov Vladimir I 21
#6 Plastinin Mikhail V 19
#7 Sanin Vyacheslav G 18
#8 Spivak Boris G 17
#9 Lipovskij Vladimir I 17
#10 Pokatilov Aleksej K 16

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
RU1773395C Active grip hand prosthesis
SU1729508A1 Hip prosthesis
SU1755798A1 Upper limb prosthesis control unit
SU1732955A1 Forceps
SU1718906A1 Device for testing vacuum fastening of femoral prosthesis
SU1750680A1 Sleeve for a prosthesis of a lower limb
SU1745235A1 Method for selection of a prosthetic-orthopedic article for patients with affected lower limb, and an orthopedic appliance for carrying the method into effect
SU1738268A1 Method for treatment of deltoid muscle paralysis
SU1739989A1 Endoprosthesis of the vertebral body
SU1761136A1 Unit of the lower limb prosthesis
SU1681866A1 Device for correction of movements
SU1664308A1 Control unit upper limb prosthesis
SU1747081A1 Method for making prosthetic repairment of the posttraumatic femoral stumps
SU1748816A1 Upper limb control unit
SU1660705A1 Movement corrector
RU1768630C Equipment for regeneration of ethyl alcohol from solvent vapor
SU1732970A1 Method for treating the patients with a femoral stump
SU1669438A1 Method for preparing stump of low extremities for prosthetics
SU1676607A1 Appliance for osteoplasty
SU1644956A1 Device for development of movement in extremity articulations