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  • Total Patents

TSNII PROTEZIROVANIYA I PROTEZ has a total of 51 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1967. It filed its patents most often in Russian Federation, France and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets medical technology are AFANASEV YURIJ P, CHANGZHOU MAJOR MEDICAL PRODUCTS CO LTD and ORENBURGSKAJA G MED AKADE.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing TSNII PROTEZIROVANIYA I PROTEZs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Russian Federation 49
#2 France 1
#3 United Kingdom 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing TSNII PROTEZIROVANIYA I PROTEZs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

# Industry
#1 Medical technology

Focus technologies

# Technology
#1 Implantable devices

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Farber Boris S 28
#2 Shafranov Evgenij V 15
#3 Nikitin Nikolaj G 13
#4 Yakobson Yakov S 8
#5 Plastinin Mikhail V 8
#6 Prozorovskij-Remennikov Lev A 7
#7 Sukhoverkhova Aleksandra I 7
#8 Kim Oleg A 4
#9 Spivak Boris G 4
#10 Morozov Evgenij I 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
RU2087138C1 Polycentric hingeless knee module for fixing ortheses and prostheses
RU2092135C1 Artificial foot
RU94042360A Knee assembly of lower extremity prosthesis
RU94042549A Knee unit of artificial lower limb
RU94038591A Knee unit of lower extremity prosthesis
RU94025789A Crank knee block with controlled breaking and lock for lower limb prosthesis
RU94025793A Talocrural assembly for low extremity prostheses
RU94025794A Knee unit for lower extremity prostheses
RU94015936A Method and apparatus for constructing prosthesis according to individual design
RU2088181C1 Module-type rotation device for low extremity prostheses
RU2088273C1 Orthopedic device and method for developing strength of injured lower extremity muscles
RU2086213C1 Artificial foot for lower extremity prostheses
RU2077876C1 Ankle joint assembly of orthopedic apparatus for lower extremity
RU2075967C1 Knee unit of orthopedic apparatus for lower limb
RU94015959A Artificial foot of low extremity prosthesis useable in sports
RU2085155C1 Artificial foot for lower limb prostheses
RU94015940A Synchronizer transmitter of electronic movement corrector
RU94008731A Femur prosthesis
RU2085152C1 Prosthesis of hip
RU2092134C1 Method and orthopedic apparatus for effecting backward push by weakened muscles of lower extremity's distal part