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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 50.0%

TRIMARK CORP has a total of 24 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2004. It filed its patents most often in United States, EPO (European Patent Office) and Germany. Its main competitors in its focus markets civil engineering, machines and control are CHUBB LIPS NEDERLAND BV, SCHULTE ZYLINDERSCHL GMBH and YMOS FRANCE.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing TRIMARK CORPs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Reichling Anita L 8
#2 Schwickerath Tobias J 5
#3 Hidding Matthew L 5
#4 Magner David S 5
#5 Zweibohmer Dennis J 5
#6 Dodge Shayne E 4
#7 Light Gene C 4
#8 Sonnek Tom F 3
#9 Balakrishnan Santosh 3
#10 Keaffaber Todd 3

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2020392766A1 Motor control for powered closure with anti-pinch
US2018253919A1 Base control module for vehicles
US2017284134A1 Motorized movable strike for a vehicle door
US2018252005A1 Power locking door handle with capacitive sensing
US2017260777A1 Rotary latch plates
US2017260774A1 Rotary latch with modular components
US2017218666A1 Vehicle door handle assembly for different thickness doors
US2017218667A1 Twist latch for compartment door
US2016244998A1 Vehicle door power lock actuator
US2014338409A1 Power locking door handles with integrated keypad
US2014015260A1 Integrated handle and latch assembly for RV screen and entry doors
EP2521100A2 Vehicular security system with configurable immobilization features
EP2580414A2 Intuitive exterior door handle
US7938458B1 Alignment assembly for door latch and striker bolt
US2010321173A1 Electronic access security and keyless entry system
US2008018437A1 Illuminated vehicle grab handle with keypad for keyless entry
US2005140496A1 Keypad and method for electronic access security and keyless entry of a vehicle
US2006006664A1 Composite door lock plunger