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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 200.0%

TOMABECHI GIKEN KOGYO KK has a total of 34 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 200.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1996. It filed its patents most often in Japan. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology, mechanical elements and agriculture are DOLLE ETS, SMF HOLDING GMBH and QING HAI LINFENG AGRICULTURE & ANIMAL HUSBANDRY MA.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing TOMABECHI GIKEN KOGYO KKs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Japan 34

Patent filings per year

Chart showing TOMABECHI GIKEN KOGYO KKs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Tomabechi Tsutomu 34

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JP2019162137A Yam digging-out device coupled to tractor
JP2020130156A Support pulling device for yam cultivation
JP2020110133A Strut pull-out device for yam
JP2020068751A Machine body protective device of yam harvesting machine connected to tractor
JP2020010676A Long-yam harvester connected to tractor
JP2019146557A Yam digging-out apparatus coupled to tractor
JP2019000087A Planting groove former for seedlings of root crops
JP2018061500A Striped mounding device of multi-cultivation such as garlic
JP2018038378A Vegetable washing equipment
JP2015139451A Transport work truck connected to yam digging-out device for tractor
JP2015084767A Vibrating device for digging-out body of yam harvester
JP2014212786A Chinese yam harvester connected to tractor
JP2014030414A Partial deep tillage rotary device for long-diameter root crop connected to tractor
JP2013255480A Working truck for root crop digging and taking device for tractor
JP2012183070A Apparatus for winding chinese yam vine
JP2013223478A Gravel soil inversion regulating device for spot plow
JP2010263827A Chisel plow
JP2009153488A Apparatus for winding up chinese yam vine
JP2008029230A Device for digging for picking up chinese yam
JP2006320276A Chinese yam digger