TAKE ONE OFFICE LTD has a total of 12 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1997. It filed its patents most often in EPO (European Patent Office) and United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology, surface technology and coating and machines are PAINO INC, AQUS INC and TEEIKU WAN SOGO JIMUSHO KK.
# | Country | Total Patents | |
#1 | EPO (European Patent Office) | 7 | |
#2 | United States | 5 |
# | Industry | |
#1 | Environmental technology | |
#2 | Surface technology and coating | |
#3 | Machines | |
#4 | Medical technology | |
#5 | Materials and metallurgy | |
#6 | Civil engineering | |
#7 | Chemical engineering |
# | Name | Total Patents |
#1 | Koganezawa Akihisa | 12 |
#2 | Akahori Yukio | 7 |
#3 | Takada Norikazu | 3 |
#4 | Saito Kazuhiro | 1 |
Publication | Filing date | Title |
EP1380537A1 | Ozone water producing apparatus and gas-liquid mixture producing apparatus |