Edema relief and caring system capable of not only effectively relieving the edema symptom of the human body, but also caring the human body and stimulating the hormones and nerve conduction substances to achieve the effect of pain relief
System and method for reducing inflammation of tissue
Hypertension is releived system
Hypertension alleviating system characterized in that the single-frequency power wave and the multi-frequency power wave are used to act on a patient suffering from hypertension, so as to alleviate the hypertension
Device for ameliorating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) syndrome capable of generating a particular electric energy wave combination to achieve the efficacy of ameliorating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) syndrome
Diabetes soothing system
Diabetes are releived system
Resonant frequency control system for Parkinson's central nervous system degeneration mitigation to enhance and regulate functions of the human central nervous system, thereby effectively alleviating the central nervous system degradation suffering from the Parkinson's disease