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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
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    ⇩ 100.0%

SUZHOU JINJUSONG MECH AND ELECTRICAL CO LTD has a total of 25 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 100.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2016. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets machine tools, electrical machinery and energy and control are TOYO SATSUSHI KOUGIYOU KK, FEDERAL NOE G BJUDZHETNOE UCHREZHDENIE NAUKI INST FIZ TEKHN SEVERA IM V P LARIONOVA SIB OTDEL ROSSIJ and ZHONGYE WELDING TECHNOLOGY CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing SUZHOU JINJUSONG MECH AND ELECTRICAL CO LTDs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 25

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SUZHOU JINJUSONG MECH AND ELECTRICAL CO LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Chen Chuanwei 25
#2 Xu Yunlan 25
#3 Chen Chuanhui 25

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN107102574A A kind of micro- machine drawing control method
CN107043845A A kind of wire drawing and annealing machine
CN106704805A Protective device for medium wire drawing machine
CN106607465A Driving wheel for superfine wire drawing machine
CN106607463A Fine wire extending and pulling device capable of achieving remote control
CN106710718A Composite guide wheel for superfine wire drawing machine
CN105562460A Combined overturning type wire take-up disc for wire stretching machine
CN105618510A Support seat for winding disc of fine-adjustment wire drawer
CN105562458A Support for wire take-up discs of double-station wire stretching machine
CN105562466A Take-up reel of wire drawing machine
CN105562465A Folding type take-up spool of wire drawer
CN105562457A Adjustable take-up spool of wire drawer
CN105621150A Self-guiding wire drawer winding reel
CN105562463A Wire supply disc device of fine wire drawing machine
CN105562462A Wire supply disc of fine wire drawing machine
CN105562464A Wire supply disc with wire lead groove, of fine wire drawing machine
CN105618496A Anti-jumper stretching rouging device for fine line
CN105618497A Fine line stretching device adjustable in angle
CN105537296A Fine wire stretching device capable of preventing wire jumping
CN105618494A Stretching rouging device for fine line