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  • Total Patents

STROMBERG CARLSON CORP has a total of 407 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1955. It filed its patents most often in United States, Canada and Germany. Its main competitors in its focus markets telecommunications, electrical machinery and energy and basic communication technologies are TELTRONICS INC, RATES TECHNOLOGY INC and ORANSAY LTD.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing STROMBERG CARLSON CORPs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Brightman Barrie 32
#2 Richards Glenn L 26
#3 Pommerening Uwe A 24
#4 Lenk Pedro A 21
#5 Bartlett William F 20
#6 Gueldenpfennig Klaus 17
#7 Jorgensen Adam A 15
#8 Russell S 14
#9 Shah Jayantkumar R 13
#10 Randmere Uno 12

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US4621358A Remote switch for telephony switching system
US4573151A Interface unit for telephone system having remote units
US4535282A Voltage regulation circuit
US4570260A Digital tone signal generator for telephony system
US4479034A Arrangement of interactive processors for control of ports
CA1166728A Fault monitoring and diagnostic system for telephony switching system
US4430530A Telephony system with automatic test call generator for remote port groups
US4555595A Sampled port data switching system employing interactive processors
US4523308A Telephone concentrator switch arrangement
US4471169A Arrangement of interactive telephone switching processors and associated port data storage means
US4443663A Filtering of port data in a switching system employing interactive processors
US4451703A All electronic interface for telephony system
US4437096A Concentrator circuit incorporating solid state bilateral bridge arrangement
CA1173942A Maintenance processing apparatus for remote port units in a telephone switching system
US4387278A Maintenance facility for telephony system with remote port groups
CA1181158A Telephony system with automatic test call generator for remote port groups
US4447673A Ring trip apparatus for a line circuit connected to DCO switch
US4451702A Arrangement of interactive telephone switching processors for performing timing analyses of port events
US4385206A Programmable port sense and control signal preprocessor for a central office switching system
US4393495A Message translation arrangement for telephony system with romote port groups