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  • Total Patents
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STILLMAN JASON has a total of 24 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2010. It filed its patents most often in United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets agriculture are CHONGQING HONGXIN EDIBLE MUSHROOMS CO LTD, HAMAGUCHI HIDEHIKO and HENTTONEN MARTTI.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing STILLMAN JASONs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United Kingdom 24

Patent filings per year

Chart showing STILLMAN JASONs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

# Industry
#1 Agriculture

Focus technologies

# Technology
#1 Horticulture

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Stillman Jason 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB201605002D0 Spocket Wheel
GB201604436D0 Wind sail airship
GB201604434D0 Moving tail aircraft
GB201604435D0 Tidal compression bag water pumping
GB201604433D0 Middle seperating composite rim wheel
GB201604437D0 Jet propulsion airship
GB201604197D0 Drop flight vehicle airship
GB201604188D0 Water line tracked floating air bag transport system
GB201604190D0 Electric roller wheel skateboard
GB201604185D0 Mobile communication necklace
GB201604191D0 Internal vehicle or internal domestic air filtered recirculation system
GB201604189D0 Gravity flow down stepped circular floating internally contained growing enclosure
GB201604195D0 Inflatable insulating tents
GB201604196D0 Venetion hung flowing suspended plant
GB201604194D0 Zip wire tracked air-ship transport system
GB201602765D0 Floating growing surface
GB201601554D0 Recirculation suspended plant growing system
GB201600979D0 Jft
GB201600978D0 Suspended pot frame
GB201600976D0 Submersive growing plant container