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  • Total Patents

STANDARD DEV CO has a total of 207 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1908. It filed its patents most often in United States, Canada and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets basic materials chemistry, organic fine chemistry and machines are TEXAS CO, MILLER STEPHEN JOSEPH and RICHFIELD OIL COMPANY.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing STANDARD DEV COs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 99
#2 Canada 62
#3 United Kingdom 20
#4 France 12
#5 Germany 7
#6 Switzerland 3
#7 Finland 2
#8 Austria 1
#9 Denmark 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing STANDARD DEV COs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Howard Frank A 26
#2 Becker Arman E 13
#3 Buc Hyym E 12
#4 Loomis Nathaniel E 10
#5 Clark Edgar M 9
#6 Howard Frank Atherton 6
#7 Johns Carl O 5
#8 Loomis Nathaniel Edward 5
#9 Kraus Charles A 5
#10 Callis Conral C 5

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB296919A Improvements relating to the cracking and fractionation of hydrocarbon mixtures and to apparatus therefor
GB279440A Method and apparatus for transporting volatile liquids in tank-ships
GB302415A Improvements in and relating to the conversion of hydrocarbon oils into lighter oils
GB299683A Improvements in and relating to the conversion of hydrocarbon oils into lighter oils
GB302211A An improved process of and apparatus for cracking hydrocarbon oil
GB295142A Improvements in apparatus for and process of distilling hydrocarbons
GB277637A Improvements in and relating to the lubrication of textile fibres
GB299925A Improvements relating to the treatment of hydrocarbon residues and to the products of such treatment
GB296536A An improved manufacture of hydrocarbons
GB290444A An improved manufacture of organometallic compounds
GB286917A Improvements relating to the treatment of heavy hydrocarbons for the production of lighter hydrocarbons, and to apparatus therefor
GB274763A An improved process and apparatus for cracking hydrocarbons
GB270626A Process of purifying hydrocarbon oils containing sulphur
US1812305A Recovery of oil from the earth by mining operations
GB255908A An improved leather oil and process of making the same
US1616353A Manufacture of refined oils
US1628647A Method of lubricating internal-combustion engines
US1648929A Internal-combustion engine
DE464788C Multi-cylinder internal combustion engine
GB247138A Improvements in internal combustion engines and in the method of operation thereof