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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 60.0%

ST JUDE MEDICAL COORDINATION CT BVBA has a total of 109 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 60.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2004. It filed its patents most often in EPO (European Patent Office), United States and Australia. Its main competitors in its focus markets medical technology, telecommunications and basic communication technologies are KEIMAR INC, PROSTACARE PTY LTD and ZURICH MEDICAL CORP.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ST JUDE MEDICAL COORDINATION CT BVBAs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Samuelsson Magnus 30
#2 Tulkki Sauli 15
#3 Hilmersson Mats 11
#4 Sundler Sara 8
#5 Preinitz Fredrik 8
#6 Mahlin Fredrik 8
#7 Boye Shawn 8
#8 Magnus Samuelsson 7
#9 Smith Leif 7
#10 Hübinette Ulrik 7

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2019203996A1 Sensor guide wire with three-hole jacket for improved manufacturability and reduced drift
JP2017070817A Medical system and method in relation to medical system
US2016287178A1 Sensor guide wire having a proximal tube with improved torque performance and maintained low bending stiffness
US2017266417A1 Core wire having a flattened portion to provide preferential bending
US2016183798A1 Device for acquiring physiological variables measured in a body
EP3714774A1 Pressure sensor and guide wire with self wetting tube
AU2015204326A1 Pressure wire assembly
US2015238081A1 Wireless communication of physiological variables using spread spectrum
EP3060105A2 Sensor guide wire device and system including a sensor guide wire device
US2016045164A1 Sensor guide wire assembly with button-cell type battery
US2014276223A1 Sensor guide wire device and system including a sensor guide wire device
EP2967340A1 Sensor guide wire with shape memory tip
US2013296718A1 Tube and sensor guide wire comprising tube
US2014277112A1 Injectable hydrogels
EP2601884A1 Active interference-noise cancellation device
AU2012329594A1 Medical system, and a method in relation to the medical system
AU2011310539A1 Sensor guide wire
AU2011275994A1 Sensor element with an insulation layer
EP2587990A1 Sensor jacket
AU2011209215A1 Sensor guide wire device and system including a sensor guide wire device