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  • Total Patents

SONY BROADCAST & COMMUNICATION has a total of 194 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1990. It filed its patents most often in United Kingdom, Japan and United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets audio-visual technology, basic communication technologies and computer technology are MAGNUM SEMICONDUCTOR INC, EIDAK CORP and STARSIGHT TELECAST INC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing SONY BROADCAST & COMMUNICATIONs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SONY BROADCAST & COMMUNICATIONs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Richards John William 40
#2 Wilkinson James Hedley 34
#3 Gillard Clive Henry 21
#4 Stone Jonathan James 19
#5 David Morgan William Amos 17
#6 Keating Stephen Mark 16
#7 Hurley Terence Ralph 16
#8 Dorricott Martin Rex 13
#9 Jiyon Uiriamu Richiyaazu 12
#10 Soloff Jonathan Mark 9

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB9305090D0 Image data encoding and decoding
GB9304861D0 Testing video equipment
GB9304587D0 A combined digital video/audio synchroniser
GB9304588D0 Signal synchroniser with resynchronise control
GB9302281D0 Image data compression
GB9302164D0 Sub band separation and combination
GB9300469D0 Video display apparatus with an array of display units
GB9300223D0 Data compression
GB9226698D0 Data compression
GB9226586D0 Sub-band filter systems
GB9226277D0 Digital filtering
GB9224682D0 Processing sampled data
GB9224056D0 Video signal processing
GB9223633D0 Teletext receivers
GB9222542D0 Using vibration to reduce stiction in a weighing apparatus
GB9220527D0 Video to film conversion
GB9219716D0 Video data compression
GB9219054D0 Data formatting
GB9218895D0 Data encoder
GB9217840D0 Controlling video replay stores