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  • Total Patents

SIMFEROPOLSKIJ G UNI IM M V FR has a total of 18 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1988. It filed its patents most often in Russian Federation. Its main competitors in its focus markets surface technology and coating are HONSHU SHIKOKU BRIDGE EXPRESSWAY CO LTD, BECKA MILOSLAV and STRASKY DRAHOSLAV.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing SIMFEROPOLSKIJ G UNI IM M V FRs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Russian Federation 18

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SIMFEROPOLSKIJ G UNI IM M V FRs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Focus technologies

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Groshenko Nikolaj A 2
#2 Ulyanov Igor V 1
#3 Sokolov Boris Alekseevich 1
#4 Kurnosikov Oleg V 1
#5 Gnatovskij Aleksandr V 1
#6 Lapaeva Svetlana N 1
#7 Lejkin Mark Grigorevich 1
#8 Dzhafarova Svetlana E 1
#9 Baranov Aleksej I 1
#10 Lejkin Mark G 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
RU2067826C1 Apparatus for controlling colonization of beehive by wild bees
RU2057374C1 Recording amplifier
RU2043130C1 Dumb-bell
RU2023751C1 Liquid for chemical polishing of niobium
RU2048616C1 Electronic device for electrical chemical treatment of inner cavities
RU1838831C Process of recording and replay of information
RU2011956C1 Splitter loss metering device
RU1833467C Rock breaking method
RU1820920C Method of multilayer coating removal from aluminium surface
RU2022163C1 Pendulum vibratory energy converter
RU1800441C Method for information optical parallel transmitting by multimode optical fibre using
RU1830503C Method of production of fiber branches
RU1828549C Method of compensation of axial disagreement of components of single-mode fiber-optic bundle
RU2010458C1 Magnetic system of moving-coil loudspeaker
RU1824602C Method of testing properties of ferromagnets
RU2081496C1 Electrical machine multipole rotor
RU1799610C Hand training apparatus
RU1821935C Dual-frequency microwave pulse generator