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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 100.0%

SHANDONG RICE RES INST has a total of 49 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 100.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2008. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets agriculture, biotechnology and foods and drinks are VEGETABLE RES INSTITUTE OF SHANDONG ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, CROP RES INST SHANDONG ACAD AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GERMPLASM RESOURCES INST YUNNAN ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing SHANDONG RICE RES INSTs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 49

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SHANDONG RICE RES INSTs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Chen Feng 19
#2 Wu Xiu 17
#3 Zhu Wenyin 16
#4 Xie Xianzhi 16
#5 Zhou Jinjun 14
#6 Xu Jiandi 14
#7 Zhou Xuebiao 12
#8 Ma Jiaqing 12
#9 Wang Yu 11
#10 Gao Jie 10

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN106544446A One group of Rhizoma Nelumbiniss InDel molecular markers, its development approach and application
CN106500554A A kind of portable multifunctional crops scale
CN106171216A A kind of back-pack electric fertilizer applicator that can crush caking
CN106212141A The salt pond identified for Rice Salt alkalescence and using method thereof
CN106226142A A kind of instrument of convenient subpackage steel ball
CN106282345A A kind of differentiate Oryza sativa L. phytochrome gene PHYB wild type and the molecular marker of mutant
CN106078998A A kind of thick bamboo tube slicing apparatus
CN106171226A A kind of transplanting rice seedling Term Fertilization device
CN105935035A Mechanical water direct sowing culture method for rice in slight alkaline land in Yellow River Delta
CN106069017A A kind of prevention and control underground pest and disease damage improves the green alternating method that peanut yield is constituted
CN105900830A Method of quickly breeding new variety of paddy rice
CN105660382A Rice breeding method
CN105602965A Application of gene OsPIL13 in aspect of increasing rice kernel length and thousand seed weight
CN105532445A Screening device for adverse-resistant plants
CN105409752A Culture apparatus for cultivating gramineous plant seedlings
CN105345851A Cutting device
CN105409667A Mechanized dry transplanting method for rice
CN105368837A Application of small molecular RNA osa-miRNA530 in rice in controlling rice leaf angles and leaf length
CN105349571A Application of rice micromolecules RNA osa-miR530 to reduction of rice plant height
CN105255941A Application of gene OsBBX14 in improving drought stress resistance of paddy rice