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  • Total Patents

SHAKHTINSKI NI PK UGOLNY INST has a total of 197 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1971. It filed its patents most often in USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics) and Russian Federation. Its main competitors in its focus markets civil engineering are VALTION POLTTOAINEKESKUS, INSTFIZ MEK GORNYKH POROD AN K and KOPALNIA WEGLA KAMIENNEGO KNUR.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing SHAKHTINSKI NI PK UGOLNY INSTs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SHAKHTINSKI NI PK UGOLNY INSTs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

# Industry
#1 Civil engineering

Focus technologies

# Technology
#1 Mining

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Litvinenko Stepan S 45
#2 Plotnikov Vladimir I 26
#3 Matveev Valentin A 24
#4 Sisyukin Valentin V 23
#5 Turuk Vladimir D 21
#6 Kochnov Aleksandr P 20
#7 Golod Arkadij B 18
#8 Karabanov Mikhail G 18
#9 Spivak Nikolaj V 17
#10 Podpletnij Gennadij K 17

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
RU1796024C Method for supporting stopes
RU1776319C Yielding arch support
RU1788275C Crib for supporting working roof
SU1765389A1 Coal plow
SU1765388A1 Coal plow
SU1756555A1 Method for determination of stability of plough unit working tool
SU1721233A1 Hydraulic system for powered mining set plough setting in stope
SU1723318A1 Plough complex
SU1719748A1 Links of round-link chain
SU1735594A1 Hydraulic system
SU1710730A1 Coal plough
SU1754897A1 Device for maintaining straightness of front of plough powered support
SU1682553A1 Plough frame
SU1691629A1 Method for connection of pieces of round-link chains
SU1666698A1 Slicing complex
SU1661411A1 Coal planer
SU1631170A1 Slide plough control device
SU1661410A1 Planer frame
SU1652540A1 Power unit of coal skimmer
SU1696692A1 Coal plough