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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 100.0%

SARSTEDT AG & CO has a total of 154 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 100.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1989. It filed its patents most often in EPO (European Patent Office), Germany and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets medical technology, chemical engineering and machines are TASSO INC, KABE LABORTECHNIK GMBH and ATOMO DIAGNOSTICS PTY LTD.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing SARSTEDT AG & COs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Sarstedt Walter 121
#2 Walter Sarstedt 14
#3 Faerber Horst 9
#4 Schuster Rainer 8
#5 Amokrane Youcef 6
#6 Flach Dagmar 2
#7 Weinstock Mark 2
#8 Haupt Viktor 2
#9 Mierisch Katja 2
#10 Melanie Grimm 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2017162574A1 Device for drawing bodily fluids, in particular blood
DE102015007642A1 Method and device for providing a dried amount of liquid, in particular having blood, absorbent sample carriers
DE102015006731A1 Pipette tip packaging
DE102014014963A1 The blood collection device
DE102012025557A1 Device for removing and / or receiving body fluids, in particular blood
DE102012016936A1 Device for taking body fluids and method for mounting such a device
DE102009039391A1 Swabs System
WO2009059613A1 Blood withdrawal device
WO2008145159A1 Blood withdrawal device comprising components for stabilizing the homocysteine level and/or for inhibiting the continuous formation of homocysteine in blood samples, serum samples or blood plasma samples
US2007183937A1 Specimen tube with piercable end cap
DE102006013322A1 Canula has protective housing consisting of two sections plugged into each other, wherein inner housing has lamella pair, and outer housing is formed as sleeve which is less elastic with regard to inner housing
WO2005094681A1 Device for collecting capillary blood
DE102004056655A1 Sample tubes for receiving body fluid, in particular blood
DE102004025275A1 Device for receiving and delivering brain samples
EP1602327A1 Blood sampling device with a cannula holder
DE102004021741A1 Blood sampling device, in particular for newborns and infants or small animals
DE102004013379B3 Instrument to take blood samples, from newborn infants and small children, has a stirrup-shaped bridge between the handle and hollow needle holder, to give a clear view of the blood outflow
US2004215107A1 Blood collection device with a holder having a cannula for venipuncture
DE10324913A1 Method and device for stool sampling
EP1421906A1 Urine collecting container