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  • Total Patents

RUTSKIJ VLADIMIR V has a total of 12 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1978. It filed its patents most often in USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics). Its main competitors in its focus markets medical technology are INNOVENTRIC LTD, PECKHAM ARTHUR C and SAEKI TOSHIO.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing RUTSKIJ VLADIMIR Vs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics) 12

Patent filings per year

Chart showing RUTSKIJ VLADIMIR Vs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

# Industry
#1 Medical technology

Focus technologies

# Technology
#1 Implantable devices

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Rutskij Vladimir V 12
#2 Svidler Veniamin N 11
#3 Khomutov Viktor P 3
#4 Nelin Nikolaj I 1
#5 Morgunov Mikhail S 1
#6 Kirillov Vladimir G 1
#7 Tikhilov Rashid M 1
#8 Nenko Anatolij M 1
#9 Kondratev Erislav S 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
SU1683724A1 Device for performing osteosynthesis in carrying out osteotomy of the femur
SU1279625A1 Wire tensioner
SU1551365A1 Method of treating bone injury patients
SU1122329A1 Osteostimulator
SU1122328A1 Apparatus for osteosynthesis
SU1055522A1 Electric stimulator
SU1109143A1 Fixative for osteosynthesis
SU1266535A1 Method and apparatus for electrostimulation of osteogenesis
SU993939A2 Multichannel myoelectrostimulator
SU1015897A1 Method of prophylaxis of infection complications at perosseous extrafocus osteosynthesis and method of performing same
SU844000A1 Device for electroanalgesia
SU731975A1 Electrical stimulator