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  • Total Patents

RUDOLF DRAWE DR ING has a total of 17 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1919. It filed its patents most often in Germany. Its main competitors in its focus markets basic materials chemistry, thermal processes and environmental technology are WESTS GAS IMPROVEMENT CO LTD, BRONDER GASTON ALOYSIUS and STREITENBERGER HARTWIG.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing RUDOLF DRAWE DR INGs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Germany 17

Patent filings per year

Chart showing RUDOLF DRAWE DR INGs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DE697505C Process for the operation of mixture-compressing four-stroke internal combustion engines for gaseous fuels
DE620392C Process for generating a low-carbonic strong gas
DE519538C Process for drying and smoldering fuels with purge gases
DE540316C Process for the production of carbon oxide and hydrogen by fuel gasification
DE541049C Process for gasifying fuel with an oxygen-water vapor mixture
DE500281C Process for the production of a gas from bituminous fuels with an oxygen-water vapor mixture
DE432251C Drying and smoldering of fuels
DE416253C Steam generator with field pipes
DE437834C Half-gas shaft firing with uninterrupted fuel supply through lateral slots in the shaft walls
DE410863C Method for producing pressed stones
DE425316C Drying and smoldering of fuels
DE370069C Process for drying or smoldering fuels through simultaneous indoor and outdoor heating
DE338940C Generation of nitrogen oxide in internal combustion engines
DE347278C Process for the gradual smoldering of fuels by means of hot gases or superheated steam
DE410461C Plant for primary extraction
DE365675C Process for drying hydrous fuels
DE429424C Half-gas firing with combustion chambers enclosed by chutes for the fuel