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  • Total Patents

RI SHIGERU has a total of 15 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1983. It filed its patents most often in Japan. Its main competitors in its focus markets mechanical elements are SIMFEROPOLSKIJ SEVASTOPOLSKOGO, JAGGER ELI and SITNIKOV VLADIMIR.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing RI SHIGERUs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Japan 15

Patent filings per year

Chart showing RI SHIGERUs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

# Industry
#1 Mechanical elements

Focus technologies

# Technology
#1 Gearing

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Ri Shigeru 15

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JPH07231833A Bedclothes
JPH01214379A Rubber-attached golf club head
JPS62221376A Elastic golf club head
JPS62201169A Exercise stand for golf with inclination
JPS624998A Ceramic with frame
JPS61256988A Fiber reinforced china
JPS61237113A Ceramic handle for automobile
JPS61108963A Vessel with color tone table
JPS6173682A Curved shaver
JPS6132915A Star type perforated porcelain insulator
JPS60261862A Ceramic tile with fixing jig
JPS60219362A Ceramic tile with fixing metal fittings
JPS60175658A Ceramic tile with fixing metal fittings
JPS6015601A Laminating type glass reflecting mirror
JPS601498A Turntable