Natural classification of content using unsupervised learning
Determining content prices from journalist metadata
Determination of initial value for automated delivery of news items
Automated volatility score adjustment of access charge curve for automated delivery of news items
Computerized system for delivering reasonably priced access to content to remotely located users at prices varying in time per user behavior and with automated access to outside websites matching a user's inquiry or interest
One-click purchase of access to, and instantaneous delivery of, articles in a computerized system
Automates system for delivering priced access to content where prices vary with user behavior, including facilities to derive accumulated rating of articles, authors, and/or publishers as aids for locating content matching users' interests
Content creation and distribution system that dynamically prices access based on user behavior
Computerized system for delivering reasonably priced access to content from many publishers, including providing optimized pricing of remote-access subscriptions to media content incorporating value of individual items of content
Content creation and distribution system with automated estimating, prior to publication, of values and/or readerships of answers to remotely posted questions and making results available to remotely located potential publishers of answers
Holding access price constant for selected time when access prices change dynamically in an automates system for delivering reasonably priced access to content
Computerized system for delivering reasonably priced access to content from many publishers and for analyzing search results to automatically provide access to material referenced therein