Matching method of 3D printing combination for selecting best suitable 3D printer based on the characteristics of layered objects
Spectrum image capturing device and correction method thereof capable of achieving photorealistic images
Color calibration method using a visible light source and an invisible light source to irradiate a color block respectively
Method of manufacturing a hidden verification area especially producing a hidden verification pattern of which color and structure being destructed in photocopying
Pattern and spectrum security one-time printing of packaging verification method
Anti-counterfeiting verification method directly printing a verification pattern on a package by a one-time printing
Method for joining three-dimensionally printed images and system thereof in which a first image and a second image are stitched to form a stitched image that is combined with a model-establishing image to form a printing image based on a three-dimensional object
Method and apparatus for applying image color to three-dimensional printing includes a multispectral imaging device to accurately capture the image, color and detail texture of the substrate
Method for measuring chroma by using mobile device capable of using a mobile device to convert a color space of the image and measure chroma of a color control guiding table
Cover device and method for measuring hue using mobile device
Processing method for image color processing service platform which standardizes quality and saves time and money