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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 58.0%

PREC NANOSYSTEMS INC has a total of 24 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 58.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2017. It filed its patents most often in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), Canada and EPO (European Patent Office). Its main competitors in its focus markets chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals and organic fine chemistry are KECK GRADUATE INST OF APPLIED LIFE SCIENCES, VETERINAERMEDIZINISCHE UNI WIEN and BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM VETMEDICA GMBH.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing PREC NANOSYSTEMS INCs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Leaver Timothy 13
#2 Wild Andre 13
#3 Chang Shao Fang Shannon 13
#4 Thomas Anitha 11
#5 De Souza Rebecca Anne Grace 9
#6 Ramsay Euan 8
#7 Marshall Keara 8
#8 Klaassen Nicolas 8
#9 Brown Andrew William 7
#10 Taylor Robert James 7

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2021000041A1 Ionizable lipids for nucleic acid delivery
WO2020252589A1 Ionizable lipids for nucleic acid delivery
WO2020210901A1 Nonviral modification of t cell gene expression
CA3097203A1 Compositions for transfecting resistant cell types
CA3044713A1 Low complexity flow control in a microfluidic mixer
WO2018119514A1 Compositions for transfecting resistant cell types
WO2018064755A1 Compositions for transfecting resistant cell types
US2020023358A1 Smart Microfluidic Mixing Instrument and Cartridges