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P & P F KK

  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank

P & P F KK has a total of 45 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1993. It filed its patents most often in Japan. Its main competitors in its focus markets basic materials chemistry, pharmaceuticals and organic fine chemistry are P & PF CO LTD, KUAYUE BIOTECHNOLOGY (CHUZHOU) CO LTD and DALLI-WERKE GMBH & CO KG.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing P & P F KKs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Japan 45

Patent filings per year

Chart showing P & P F KKs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Nishina Tetsuo 43
#2 Saito Yoshinobu 40
#3 Okuda Takaya 16
#4 Makita Takahito 12
#5 Toda Tomoko 11
#6 Tamura Uhei 10
#7 Kishi Nobuyuki 8
#8 Nagahama Daiji 5
#9 Takeda Yumiko 4
#10 Iwai Kazuo 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JP2015183142A solid soap
JP2013194074A Solid soap
JP2013173807A Solid soap
JP2013155132A Solid soap
JP2013049766A Cleaning agent composition
JP2013001860A Detergent composition
JP2012184340A Transparent soap
JP2012041376A Framed soap and method for manufacturing the same
JP2011178833A Solid cleaning composition
JP2011178834A Solid washing composition
JP2011153273A Solid cleaning composition
JP2011153274A Solid detergent composition
JP2011094087A Soap for preventing influenza virus infection
JP2010106258A Thermally sensitive transparent foaming detergent composition
JP2010265214A Keratolytic detergent composition and keratolytic detergent
JP2010183992A Sanitary towel used for prevention and amelioration of yeast fungus infection
JP2010184882A Wet tissue usable for treatment or prevention of yeast-infectious disease
JP2010046129A Sheet-like skin cleaning tool
JP2009007281A Skin detergent composition and skin detergent
JP2008308179A Bar soap package