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  • Total Patents

MOET & CHANDON has a total of 74 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1984. It filed its patents most often in France, Australia and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets biotechnology, foods and drinks and environmental technology are ZHEJIANG WEIWEI BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE TECH CO LTD, DEL MONTE FRESH PRODUCE COMPANY and MAO KANLANG.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing MOET & CHANDONs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Coutos-Thevenot Pierre 15
#2 Lhotte Francois 13
#3 Boulay Michel 10
#4 Esnault Robert 9
#5 Divies Charles 8
#6 Lenzi Pascal 8
#7 Beaujeu Jacques 8
#8 Herault Frederic 8
#9 Houlmont Alain 8
#10 Rinn Jean-Charles 7

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
FR2930780A1 Process for the removal of sparkling wines
AU2003212043A1 Promoter which can be induced in plants, sequence incorporating this promoter and product obtained
FR2778644A1 Container closable by a stopper retained on the opening of the container by a muselet
FR2766325A1 Machine for planting stakes, particularly in vineyard lands
FR2764869A1 Insulated or cooling cover for a bottle
US6033887A Dehydrated polysaccharide gel containing microorganisms, a sugar and a polyol for producing fermented drinks
FR2759272A1 Bottle support and panel provided with such supports
FR2743481A1 Forward tilt display for bottle-like objects
FR2735655A1 Improved machine for automatically ligating vineyards on a tight wire
FR2726153A1 Machine for automatically ligating vineyards on a tight wire
FR2724627A1 Perfected pallet in plastic material
US5389532A Process of producing a dehydrated polysaccharide gel containing microorganisms for preparing fermented drinks
FR2709286A1 Plastic pallet for transporting bins filled with various foodstuffs.
NZ252209A Stabilised culture of proembryogenic cellular aggregates for use in vine regeneration techniques
EP0526278A1 Process for delivering a predetermined quantity of particles suspended in a fluid and apparatus for carrying out this process
FR2673122A1 Ionotropic gel deficient in ionic entity of gelling, process for preparing such gel and use thereof in particular in a process for producing sparkling wine.
FR2672142A1 Detection threshold adjusting device for a plurality of optical sensors
FR2670748A1 Device for applying and / or smoothing a sheet material such as a label on any object such as a bottle for example.
FR2633937A1 Process for the preparation of microorganisms included in substantially dehydrate gels, gels obtained and their use for the preparation of fermented beverages