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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 21.0%

MITSUBIHI MAT ELECTRONIC CHEMICALS CO LTD has a total of 59 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 21.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2014. It filed its patents most often in Japan. Its main competitors in its focus markets materials and metallurgy, optics and basic materials chemistry are MITSUBISHI MAT ELECTRONIC CHEMICALS CO LTD, BUNGE AMORPHIC SOLUTIONS LLC and PIGMENTAN ANTICORROSIVE PIGMEN.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing MITSUBIHI MAT ELECTRONIC CHEMICALS CO LTDs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Japan 59

Patent filings per year

Chart showing MITSUBIHI MAT ELECTRONIC CHEMICALS CO LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Shiraishi Shinya 30
#2 Kageyama Kensuke 15
#3 Kamiya Takeshi 9
#4 Konishi Takashi 7
#5 Honda Tsunetoshi 6
#6 Koshiyama Hiroshi 4
#7 Tsukada Hirokazu 4
#8 Fujita Masato 4
#9 Matsumura Noriaki 4
#10 Umeda Hirotoshi 3

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JP2020180036A Black material and method for producing the same, black photosensitive composition and method for producing the same, and black pattering film and method for forming the same
JP2020132859A Anti-fouling film-forming liquid composition
JP2020138195A Oil-water separation filter
JP2020158377A Zirconium nitride powder coated with alumina, and production method thereof
JP2020158649A Liquid composition for forming antifouling film
JP2020146132A Wet sheet and method for forming oil-proof coating film using this wet sheet
JP2020132648A Liquid composition for forming oil penetration prevention film
JP2020122036A Anti-fouling film and liquid composition for forming anti-fouling film
JP2020111522A Method for producing easily decomposable stable perfluoroalkyl radical and its easily decomposable stable perfluoroalkyl radical reagent
JP2020083836A Silane compound containing perfluoroether
JP2020056088A Silver coated resin particle and method for manufacturing the same
JP2020055783A Perfluoroether-containing compound and nonionic fluorine-containing surfactant
JP2020029382A Titanium oxynitride film and production method thereof
JP2020029381A Surface treated titanium oxynitride powder and surface treatment method thereof
JP2020019691A Surface-treated zirconium nitride powder and surface treatment method thereof
JP2020019692A Zirconium nitride film and method of manufacturing the same
JP2019210339A Fluorine-containing sulfonyl imide salt group-containing silicone compound, and conductive silicone composition containing the same
JP2019189545A Reactive fluorine-containing sulfonylimide and polymer thereof, and antistatic agent containing the same
JP2019156690A Manufacturing method of nitrogen-containing titanium oxide powder
JP2019157039A Reactive fluorine-containing sulfonyl imide and copolymer thereof, and solution containing the same