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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank

MAG AEROSPACE IND INC has a total of 97 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1986. It filed its patents most often in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), United States and EPO (European Patent Office). Its main competitors in its focus markets transport, civil engineering and environmental technology are MAG AEROSPACE IND LLC, EVAC GMBH and DAIMLER BENZ AEROSPACE AIRBUS.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing MAG AEROSPACE IND INCs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing MAG AEROSPACE IND INCs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Boodaghians Razmik B 21
#2 Huang Kevin 15
#3 Ortolan Christina 14
#4 Lee Thomas M 11
#5 Goeschel Christoph 11
#6 Chauhan Vikram 9
#7 Rozenblatt Mike M 9
#8 Tram Nguyen 9
#9 Reed Fred M 7
#10 Boodaghians Razmik 5

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2016107111A1 Method and system for management of grey water in an aircraft
WO2014120878A1 Toilets with improved removability for passenger transport vehicles
US2014138326A1 Mixed fluid filtration system
WO2014071101A1 Beverage maker with interchangeable components
WO2014062863A2 Multi-port orbital valve
WO2014043185A1 Coffee maker water heater
WO2014036217A2 Aircraft galley and lavatory disinfection
CN105121279A Double deep, single width ovens for use in aircraft galleys
WO2014028169A2 Composite waste and water transport elements and methods of manufacture for use on aircraft
US2014017135A1 Systems and Methods for Disinfecting Air On Board A Passenger Transport Vehicle
WO2014014866A1 Systems and methods for treating grey water on-board passenger transport vehicles
US2014013498A1 Aircraft Lavatory Urinal
WO2014004833A2 Microbiologically protected fuel cell
US2013291852A1 Integrated galley with improved heating systems
WO2013148238A1 Combination microwave/warmer and oven
WO2013172953A1 Two-stage flush and grey water flush systems and devices
CN104271445A Fuel cell system powered lavatory
WO2013134445A1 Wifi compatibility via waveguide tuning for aircraft microwave ovens
WO2013086274A1 Inline uv led water disinfection and heating
WO2013070844A1 Trash compactor carton with antimicrobial properties