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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 100.0%

LI JINDONG has a total of 17 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 100.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2003. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets chemical engineering, civil engineering and environmental technology are GENESIS FLUID SOLUTIONS LLC, PENTAIR FILTRATION INC and HYDROTECHNIC CORP.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing LI JINDONGs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 17

Patent filings per year

Chart showing LI JINDONGs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Li Jindong 16
#2 Li Jia 6
#3 Wang Lijun 4
#4 Gui Xianlun 1
#5 Zhang Renqin 1
#6 Liu Kesheng 1
#7 Gui Xiaotian 1
#8 Lyu Changqing 1
#9 He Li 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN111648672A Split type quick-mounting lock capable of being universally used for left door and right door
CN108079695A A kind of reverse dust-extraction unit
CN107879389A A kind of interior back-pressure sewage-treatment plant
CN107720847A A kind of sewage disposal device
CN107789873A A kind of sewage-treatment plant
CN107497202A A kind of road sweeper of counter-pressure filtration device and the application device
CN107447712A A kind of adjustable refuse cleaning vehicle in negative pressure garbage containing box charging aperture gap
CN105888407A Two-way emergency lock body for door with upward lifting lock
CN105947167A Air suspension radar
CN105775097A Air suspension type manual meteorological umbrella
CN105131630A Biomass resin composite material used for stress structure and plant fiber modification method
CN103072661A Energy accumulation device and bicycle adopting device
CN102104297A Internal circulation oil-cooled permanent-magnet direct-current motor
CN102182799A Automatic gearbox of electric automobile
CN1903596A Heat-resisting safety tubeless tyre
CN1880056A Method for holding back crack of meridian tyre three line, tyre and tyre processing method
CN1602699A Boiling and stirring method of fish, shrimp, seashell aquatic product