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  • Total Patents

LEHMACHER & SOHN MASCH has a total of 89 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1979. It filed its patents most often in Germany, United States and France. Its main competitors in its focus markets machines, textiles and paper and packaging and shipping are H G WEBER & COMPANY INC, LEHMACHER HANS and GALIMBERTI GIANFRANCO.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing LEHMACHER & SOHN MASCHs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Germany 43
#2 United States 14
#3 France 11
#4 United Kingdom 8
#5 Canada 4
#6 Belgium 3
#7 Denmark 2
#8 Finland 2
#9 Sweden 2

Patent filings per year

Chart showing LEHMACHER & SOHN MASCHs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Dreckmann Karl 28
#2 Lehmacher Hans 18
#3 Meyer Armin 16
#4 Schneider Jakob 16
#5 Miesen Theo 4
#6 Theuner Hans-Werner 4
#7 Theuner Hans Werner 3
#8 Mueller Wolfgang 3
#9 Hirtsiefer Hermann 2
#10 Ley Willy 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DE4031964A1 Rotary printing machine applying small additional images - has basic block and counter pressure piece moving in opposing directions at same peripheral speed
DE4000415A1 Thermoplastic film carrying bag for baby clothes - has front and rear film sections and base section attached by welded seams and film strip handle welded to film sections
DE3936228A1 Strengthening film carrier bags - by applying strips coated one side with hot melt adhesive by festooning and passing over bottom of doctored roller with adhesive tank on top
US5000728A Method of and apparatus for stacking bag segments
DE3923236A1 Tear off block of plastics carrier bags - has perforated line and reinforcement sheet with punched out handle
DE3923235A1 Cross-welding and perforating continuously moving double plastic film - has upper and lower welding tools with perforating knife which rotate around axes at speeds related to film speed
DE3922236A1 Triangular plastics bag mfr. - from double layer of plastics film strip cut and welded obliquely
DE3917671A1 Introduction of air pressure into plastic lay flat tubing - with constant tube volume maintained by rotating injector pipe which is operated by contact switch related to tube size
DE3911216A1 Method for producing and interlocking stacks of duplex bags made of plastic film
DE3910112A1 Double block of bag assemblies made of plastic film, which can be hung up folded over in an inverted U-shape
DE3900503A1 Process for manufacturing and stacking plastic bags
DE3742994A1 Device for collecting bags made of plastic film into a bag stack
FR2611164A1 Device for remote control and numerical control of the fine and precise positioning adjustments of a flexographic ink
DE3622968A1 Process and device for the continuous production of packaging bags
DE3613297A1 Process for producing interconnected stacks of plastic carrier bags
DE3609362A1 Device for stacking double-bag sections and for dividing the double-bag stack into two single-bag stacks
DE3609176A1 Device for producing plastic bags
DE3608345A1 Process and system for producing plastic bag stacks from a doubled plastic film web